This morning was like many Saturday mornings...Jason and I lay in bed listening to Laney talk, make spit noises, and fart through the monitor. Jason decided after a few minutes to go and get Laney up, change her and bring her to me to eat. Laney and I laid in bed for about a half hour while Jason got up and went outside to work on the yard. When it was time to get moving for the day, I noticed the bed was really wet under Laney. My first thought was - "Wow she really had to go if she wet through her just changed diaper?" So I patted her butt and to my SHOCK and SURPRISE there was NO DIAPER!!! I immediately started laughing - that in turn made Laney laugh and I proceed to find the camera. Laney was all too accommodating to help me get a great photo of the wet pee spot! As I made my way to her room to change her and get her ready for a bath - Jason was just outside her window. I opened the window and asked him what he was thinking this morning, because Laney didn't have a diaper on. He smiled and said, "well her wipes were all empty and I was trying to find them and I must have gotten distracted and forgot! Oops!" Forgot?...he even snapped up her onzie under her pj's!!! How could you possible miss not having a diaper on?? I guess it is a mystery I will never solve!!
This story is priceless - thanks for posting the pics!!