Friday, July 31, 2009

What an adventure!

WOW!! This is an experience that I will never forget. It all started on Monday, July 27th around noon with some contractions. Nothing too big, but it was a start! That really got me excited for the end. Well Monday came and went with contractions every hour than onto Tuesday and the non-stress test on Laney. We went to the hospital at 1pm and took the test and than made our way to see Dr. Nace. He did a quick check and guess what...not dilated!! Go figure! It really wasn't too big of a shock to me, but very disheartened. I didn't think she was ever gonna come into the world. But Dr. Nace assured me that he never had a patient that didn't deliver! Gotta love Dr. Nace! So, home again we went. Buffy made me lunch (yummy corn beef hash) and Jason went back to work. At about 4pm the contractions started to get closer and closer. They seemed to hurt alot more too. So I really kept track of them with Buffy's help and got ready for the softball game we had that evening. By 520pm the contractions were 5 minutes apart and really starting to intensify. Jason came in the house to get ready for the game and decided that he would get changed for the hospital instead. By 630pm we were headed into Austin again hoping for the best. I got all hooked up to the monitors and got a quick check from the doc. I was dilated to about a 2 and praying for the best. At 11pm, and LOTS of pain later, I was unchanged. We made the decision to just stay considering I was being induced 7 hours later. So, I spent the night gripping and almost breaking the hospital bed!! Every three to four minutes the PAIN would come and go. The next morning, the pitoson (however you spell it) was started and the contractions came harder and quicker. I wasn't progressing much, but was extremely hopeful! By 11am, there was still no change and we increased the meds. And with that...yup you guessed it - here comes the pain! By 1pm, there was so much pain I could hardly stand it. So I tried some meds to help off set the pain. At that time, there was still no change. By 3pm, I was feeling pretty good the pain was lifted some and I could actually talk to the nurses and doctors. Dr. Nace checked things again and SURPRISE - no change. So he was giving it another hour and we would check again. At 445pm, Dr. Nace came to check things - the sad news was reported - my cervix was thickening back up and I never dilated past a 3. He said since the water broke early this morning we needed to get her out. So the decision was made and the c-section was underway by 545pm. I must say...epidural...not half bad!!! After the c-section it was discovered that Laney would not have come out of the cervix after all. She was trying to engage, but her head was turned to the side and she was stuck! Other than a little dent on her head - she is perfect! We are truly blessed!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Chris!!
    Your story sounds familiar to me. Laney is super cute and so blessed to has you as a mom.
