Today is Laney's one week birthday!! She has really been an excellent baby since we brought her home on Saturday. She is our good sleeper and gives mommy and daddy sleep at night! We just hope it continues (not holding our breath though). She really has been such a joy in our lives that we just can't imagine our lives without her! Jason has been such a great dad - his face lights up every time he sees or even thinks of her. He has really taken to all the cares that a baby requires and has even changed more diapers than I have!! Impressive huh? It is really cute how he finds excuses to stop in the house to see her during the day. He averages at least 4 stops a day, but Laney really enjoys it - she loves her daddy! So, for the first week of life she has really been something special and growing like a weed.
Enjoy every second! She's a beauty!