Last night I took my first bath in the big tub. Man do I enjoy the water! I did however teach my daddy that my head is still a little wobbly. He was hanging on to me and letting me bob up and down like a cork with only my head above water when...I sneezed and smacked my face into the water! I looked up at my daddy and he was laughing at me. I couldn't really cry cuz it didn't hurt, so I just looked at my daddy and smiled with him. A few minutes later daddy decided that it was time for me to hop out of the tubby so he went to place me on his chest when my head wobbled as I yawned and splash - my face went into the water again! This time I got a mouthful of water! That scared me enough to start crying and in turn make my daddy feel like dirt! So basically - I already got my first car!! Daddy handed me to mommy and she got me all wrapped up in my towel and snuggled me. I of course still had my deer-in-the-headlight look on when mommy took this picture of me. There is one cool thing that did come of the whole situation - I burp and fart bubbles now! No worries though - daddy and I made up and he snuggled me the rest of the night. What a dad!!
She is just so darn cute! You guys done good...just wait until cutie pie hits daddy up for the $100 jeans and reminds him of when he almost drowned her in the tub. S-U-C-K-E-R! Love the stories Chris!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, I bonked Ashlyn's head on the shower curtain rod once. Don't ask me how but all the sudden we were both crying!