Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Ready for Hunting!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
4 Months Old!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
To Diaper or Not To Diaper...That is the Question!

This morning was like many Saturday mornings...Jason and I lay in bed listening to Laney talk, make spit noises, and fart through the monitor. Jason decided after a few minutes to go and get Laney up, change her and bring her to me to eat. Laney and I laid in bed for about a half hour while Jason got up and went outside to work on the yard. When it was time to get moving for the day, I noticed the bed was really wet under Laney. My first thought was - "Wow she really had to go if she wet through her just changed diaper?" So I patted her butt and to my SHOCK and SURPRISE there was NO DIAPER!!! I immediately started laughing - that in turn made Laney laugh and I proceed to find the camera. Laney was all too accommodating to help me get a great photo of the wet pee spot! As I made my way to her room to change her and get her ready for a bath - Jason was just outside her window. I opened the window and asked him what he was thinking this morning, because Laney didn't have a diaper on. He smiled and said, "well her wipes were all empty and I was trying to find them and I must have gotten distracted and forgot! Oops!" Forgot?...he even snapped up her onzie under her pj's!!! How could you possible miss not having a diaper on?? I guess it is a mystery I will never solve!!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Anything You Can Do...I Can Doo Doo Better!!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
8 Weeks Old Today!!

Today, Laney turned 8 weeks old and for her gift to her mommy...
she slept the ENTIRE night!! Daddy put her to bed around 930pm
and she didn't make a peep until 627am!!
And yet the question still remains - will it last???
Maybe she slept so well because of her drinking problem??
(Her shirt says "I Drink Alone") - Thanks Aunt Buffy :)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Fun Times with the Family!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
My First Trip to the Dells!!
What a weekend we had at the Dells! Laney had her first experience in the water park and she still has mixed feelings whether or not she actually liked it. But as you can see she did enjoy snuggling with dad! The whole weekend was such a great time that we didn't want to leave, but all good things must come to an end. Until next year...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Unknown Super Power!!
Well this is a very interesting and embarrassing post - but it must be written due to the hilarity of it all. Last night, well early this morning Laney woke up at 4am and wanted to eat. So I got all comfy in bed and started feeding her. Like normal, I myself fell asleep as did Laney! As I laid there holding my precious bundle... I found myself wondering what could possibly be dripping on me? With this new house the roof better not be leaking or I was gonna call my father at 5am and let him have it for building me a leaky house!! Soon I realized that it was not the roof. I looked down at Laney and she was fast asleep, looking extremely cute and applying just enough pressure to force a stream of milk out of my breast!!! It took me a good 10-15 sec before I realized that I was being shot in the cheek by my own breast milk!!! I immediately tried to move her head off, and that just sent an even stronger stream heading right for me! I was finally able to "adjust" the situation and that's when the laughter started!! Thank god Jason was not affected by the noise of me laughing and Laney fussing - he so needs his beauty sleep!! Maybe tonight I will wake him by squirting milk from across the bed! Now that I know I have a super power!!!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Splish - Splash - I Was Takin' A Bath!

Last night I took my first bath in the big tub. Man do I enjoy the water! I did however teach my daddy that my head is still a little wobbly. He was hanging on to me and letting me bob up and down like a cork with only my head above water when...I sneezed and smacked my face into the water! I looked up at my daddy and he was laughing at me. I couldn't really cry cuz it didn't hurt, so I just looked at my daddy and smiled with him. A few minutes later daddy decided that it was time for me to hop out of the tubby so he went to place me on his chest when my head wobbled as I yawned and splash - my face went into the water again! This time I got a mouthful of water! That scared me enough to start crying and in turn make my daddy feel like dirt! So basically - I already got my first car!! Daddy handed me to mommy and she got me all wrapped up in my towel and snuggled me. I of course still had my deer-in-the-headlight look on when mommy took this picture of me. There is one cool thing that did come of the whole situation - I burp and fart bubbles now! No worries though - daddy and I made up and he snuggled me the rest of the night. What a dad!!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
And We All Fall Down!!!
Okay so maybe just Laney fell down. Laney's cousins Brock and Quinn came for a visit on Friday and what a fun time we all had! The boys had a great time playing and holding Laney. When supper was ready, I put Laney in her swing and snuggled her up. We were all eating a great supper prepared by Grandma, Grandpa, Kyle & Brea when we looked over at Brock and he was talking to Laney in her swing. Than the swing slowed down to change direction - Brock thought that the swing must be stopping so... he gave it a push! And down went the swing with Laney going down with it!! We all went rushing over to help her and realized she was still sound asleep, not aware of what just happened. Brock looked around like - "what? She needed a push!" It was the cutest thing. Brea told me it was his way of paying me back from when he was first born. Jay and I went to the hospital to meet the twins when they were a few hours old and I went to sit on the bed and never realized that Brock was wrapped up and laying on the bed also. I almost sat right on Little Bitty!! So I guess it is only fair to pay me back. But the best thing is no one was injured in either case. But, we have some good stories to share!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
One Week Down!

Today is Laney's one week birthday!! She has really been an excellent baby since we brought her home on Saturday. She is our good sleeper and gives mommy and daddy sleep at night! We just hope it continues (not holding our breath though). She really has been such a joy in our lives that we just can't imagine our lives without her! Jason has been such a great dad - his face lights up every time he sees or even thinks of her. He has really taken to all the cares that a baby requires and has even changed more diapers than I have!! Impressive huh? It is really cute how he finds excuses to stop in the house to see her during the day. He averages at least 4 stops a day, but Laney really enjoys it - she loves her daddy! So, for the first week of life she has really been something special and growing like a weed.
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